Media & Diversity: Are we there yet?

Attended part of the ‘Cultural Diversity and News in Australia Symposium’ via Deakin University today where I met up with the brilliant @santigrams ⭐️  At a panel deliberating the skewed representation of multicultural communities in mainstream media,...

Resilience Under Fire

I presented a keynote today at the ‘Resilient Women’ forum in Darebin for the Darebin City Council.  The purpose was to give context to the lived experience of Islamophobia afflicting Australian Muslim women, knowing with whom culpability for this...

What is Humanitarianism?

Just presented at the Swinburne University ‘Youth Humanitarian Festival’ on ‘What is humanitarianism’ (answer: core respect, compassion and inclusivity- among other responsibilities). Great questions from the floor, too.  Congratulations...

Diverse Leaders: Learning, Leaning & Leaping in Bounds

Presented a keynote this perfect Melbourne winter morning at the Young Sri Lankan Professionals Network- to the topic ‘Diversity & Inclusion’. I shared both personal and professional perspectives on how and why progress in this sphere matters, as a POC...

The Foley Effect

It’s rare these days to be genuinely challenged in new ways about the historic extent of this country’s racist culpability. But tonight , Prof. Gary Foley, Historian & renown Aboriginal activist, did precisely this at the Second Annual Mandela Lecture,...

Combatting the Ummm Factor, Like a Pro

The Mumtaza Network today held the   first of its Masterclass Series: Public Speaking Like a Pro. This was a day-long workshop hosted by co-Founder and CEO of the Mumtaza Network, Yassmin Abdel-Magied.The    session aimed to equip participants...