AMWCHR: Many ChangeMakers, One Table

Congratulations to the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights (AMWCHR) for another successful AGM to end 2017. Seeing this particular organisation flourish from an initial concept, conceived of by a handful of concerned women, meeting informally to find...

16 Days of Activism to Set the Tone for All Days

For the ‘16 Days of Activism’ as part of the UN International Day for the a Elimination of Violence Against Women, I look delivered a keynote for the City Of Kingston  & #WHISE on ‘Islam & Promoting Gender Equality & Respect’, as it relates to Gender...

Finding Faith in Conflict

Attending the ‘Faith-Based Governance Dispute Resolution Conference at Victoria University. Morning session was ‘Between Religion & Democracy: How can religious law fit within a secular legal system? Speakers included a Jewish and Anglican professor. ...

Highly Commended Heroes

At the 2017 VicHealth Awards, acknowledging the significant achievements of individuals and organisations across the State, championing award winning health initiatives. Particularly excited for #AmbulanceVic for being a finalist in the #ImprovingMentalWellBeing...

Lenticular Dwellings & Diasporas: People & Places

At ‘Lenticular Dwelling’ – a fascinating lecture by Professor Ghassan Hage. As part of the ADI Symposium: “Aesthetic Anxiety or Performative Subjectivity: National narratives encountering migrant architecture”  In summary- this examined how...

Black Lives Matter making inroads in Australian Activism 

These are some of the highlights from today’s event during which participants had an opportunity to meet with the#BlackLivesMatter* founders and share experiences and learnings from their fight for racial equality.  This event enabled people of colour, young and...