Congratulations to the #australianmuslimwomenscentreforhumanrights for the launch of ‘Marrying Young’ and the ‘Out-Of-Home Care’ resources, which as Chair of the Board, I had the pleasure of officiating at today’s event.
This research signals vital information supporting the need for culturally specific services to resource young women and children towards improved wellbeing, agency and empowerment. Further, community led and community directed programs produced the highest buy-in from this cohort, demonstrating crucial rapport with services where clients felt their needs respected and identity reflected.
A huge shout out to Anti Family Violence advocate, #RosieBatty & Georgia Prattis- the incredible coauthor of the resources- to both these superstars for jointly launching these publications. And a massive Thankyou to all the #amwchr board and stellar team, especially Joumanah ElMattrah, for their BTS work on this report and for today’s incredible launch.
The room full of attendees was a testimony to the value of this research into improving lives of young Muslim women and children at the frontline of trauma.
#makeanoise #makeitloud #endislamophobia #endxenophobia #endracism #endviolenceagainstwomenandchildren
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