Presenting this afternoon at the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) Conference on the panel; Are human rights under attack and do we have an obligation to uphold them?

Facilitation from the ABC’s Religion & Ethics host, Scott Stephens.

My co-panellists included:

Deputy CEO, Pacific Disability Forum, Savina Nongebatu

CEO Human Rights Watch, Elaine Parson

TEAR Australian CEO, Matthew Maury

Cross Cultural Consultant and Chair AMWCHR, Tasneem Chopra

Issues I spoke to included: who’s responsibility is it to ensure human rights are achieve;

How do faith based orgs negotiate the discourse of HR;

How competing for HR interests to be funded is compromised when the State has an agenda;

And how a more equitable playing field between donor and recipient be achieved

It was an incredibly robust conversation with so much food for thought emanating about the way HR are seen an responses to in our world.
