The #QuillsAward tonight was an acknowledgement of Victorian excellence in journalism and photojournalism across all portals. 

There were numerous winners who stood out, including Adele Ferguson for Journalist of the Year (Four Corners investigative report exposing exploitation of foreign workers by corrupt CEO), Waleed Aly (feature writing and The Project) and The Age photographer, Joe Armao. 
The mood was sombre given the Fairfax CEO’s announcement  in the previous 36 hours, to cull over 120 positions
The irony of Fairfax journalists, cleaning up at a Media Awards function, in recognition of their high calibre performance- now facing massive reduction in staff and by extension , output – escaped no one. 
#FairGo,Fairfax and #MaintainYourAge were the catch cries of the evening, shared by colleagues across the industry. 
A bitter-sweet victory in a climate of downsized information gathering to appease profit margins over public interest. 

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My host, Natasha Stipanov of Crown PR

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with The Age’s Bhakthi , Arts Feature Editor

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Waleed Aly winning 2 Quills, for feature writing and The Project


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my Awards night ensemble
