In light of the racislised divide that has come to define Australia’s proposed increased intake of Syrian refugees, I am genuinely sickened by the scramble to cherry pick refugees as if persecution were a favourites menu; it’s disgusting.

I’m talking to you PM TonyAbbott, Barnaby Joyce MP and Sen. Eric Abetz

Know that your supposed ‘Christians only’ policy for selection into this country privileges one group over another from a pool of persecuted millions. By deliberately overlooking other equally deserving refugees simply because they don’t accord with your spiritual world view is state sanctioned bigotry; Islamophobia so overt it’s tantamount to an extension of your border protection policy. 

Clearly some refugee’s trauma is whiter than others. 

Do you realise the father of the young Syrian child whose image has come to symbolise this catastrophe- would be cast aside under your preferential treatment? 


#auspol #peopleoverpropaganda #aidoverbombs #wecandobetter #somuchbetter #compassionwithoutqualification